Monday, March 11, 2013


I opened my eyes this morning, still groggy and tired from a long and exhausting weekend.  Lifted up my hands and quietly whispered "thank you Lord for a brand new day."  It's Monday, a new day and a new week.  Plenty of work to do, goals to accomplish and task to fulfill.  But as I laid there, I begin to think, "What If?"  What if today it all came together?  What if today the final pieces fell into place, I mean what if?  What if today the doors flung open, the floodgates opened wide.  What if today became that day, the day I had been praying for, the day I had been working towards, the day favor flows like a mighty river.  What if?  Would I be ready?

I opened my Bible and the pages fell to the 60th Psalms where David writes, "Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies."  Yea, what if today is that day, that long awaited for day.  That long anticipated day - the day I call "Blast Off"  WHAT IF?  God is our source, our supply, our link or connection to every bit of success we desire to achieve.  He is focus, He is determination, He is passion and desire all wrapped into a magnificent, loving and kind God who desires us to be marvelously blessed.  Yes, only through God shall we do valiantly. 

No longer groggy or tired but infused with hope that none of my work or efforts have been in vain.  "We will" do valiantly.  That's a promise, an assurance that as long as we remain plugged in to the power supply, we will get it done.  Psalms 1 says, "he shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, he shall bring forth fruit in his season and his leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper."  Wow, scripture began to flow thru my head, mixed with vision, ideas and dreams - Psalms 23, "The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want...You prepare a table before me....You anoint my head and my cup runs over...surely goodness & mercy will follow me all the days of my life..."  Word just kept flowing and I was so encouraged that no task that lay before me was too daunting for me to accomplish.  The lyrics from Jason Castro's song, "This Is Only a Mountain" began to rise up in me..."This is only a mountain, you don't have to find your way around it - tell it to move and it'll move, tell it to fall it'll fall..."  Oh wow, yeah I'm excited about today - I have work to do.

Trust & belief, passion & desire work towards our advantage in nearly everything we do - but never ever forget that it's thru God that we will do valiantly.  Get excited about your goals, your vision and trust that no matter the obstacle or the hurdle - God will enable you to accomplish it.  Whoever thought David could kill Goliath.  I mean there were stronger soldiers there, there were smarter soldiers there, there were better trained and equipped soldiers there...Who thought it - David thought it and asked, "what shall be done for the man who slays this giant?"  Ha ha What if my friends, what if today is your day to slay a giant?  What if today is your day to slay that monster you been battling all these years?  What if?  Are you ready?  I am, for who shall defy the Name of the Living God.

Expect the Great.......Support the vision, submit and suscribe today.  Spread the word and encourage others today by simply forwarding this blog to your friends...Lets support & encourage each other, I mean WHAT IF ?

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