Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don't Let a NO Stop You

Over the past 30 years of setting and fulfilling my goals I have heard thousands of NO's along the way.  Whether it was joining the police dept - Oakland said NO.  I moved on, joined another dept and then finished my career at a 2nd.  Starting my business, one entire year of NO's before I landed my first account.  Launching a ministry, people laughed and encouraged my failure, but I pressed on and prevailed.  Even in coaching - some of the harshest criticism I have ever taken has been from parents over a game.  Every avenue, every turn - NO's are waiting for you and they wait for me.  Doors not only close in your face - they SLAM!  Don't let a NO stop you from fulfilling your goal and accomplishing your dreams.  I met a gentleman early in my business career who gave me a great piece of advice, "don't look for supporters, ask people why it won't work, why it won't sell."  Yikes!  Ask people to critique me?  Yes he said, not only do people see holes in projects you don't, but it will prepare you to be "tough skinned" and able to receive constructive criticism.  That's the key, constructive - those who are helping, not hindering.  Be careful who you allow to critique you, or your projects or ideas.  That's MAJOR.

So take a moment to look at where you are on the path you have laid out for your goals.  Are you moving forward?  Are you stalemated?  Are you just treading water?  What's stopped you?  Don't let it be a NO, don't let it be a negative comment or a bad experience.  These are simply par for the course.  Don't think you are going to climb the mountain called achievement or success without falling down or scraping your knees.  Steve Harvey was homeless at 40 before making it onto TV.  Now you cannot change the channel without seeing him.  Tyler Perry, same story - couch surfing with friends before his 1st play sold out.  If success was easy, everyone would be successful.  So don't get distracted, don't get frustrated or discouraged.  Keep your focus, stay to your course, take the blows and keep fighting.

Take time today to celebrate your vision, I mean a moment to actually stand up and take a twirl, dance a little, jump and rejoice in the vision God has planted inside of you.  Get excited about your goals, re-ignite the passion in your project, business, ministry or marriage.  Don't allow the fuse to just fizzle or burn out.  Nope, today is a day of celebration.  During the "heyday" of my business when I had millions in gross revenue, nearly 200 employees and more patrol cars than the local PD's, I noticed one thing that was major.  Even though I had 2 p/t sales people - I always led in sales.  Even though I was on the golf course or on vacation, I always led the way in sales.  WHY?  Easy - I had more passion  for the business than anyone I could hire.  They worked for money, a check, a commission.  Nope, I worked to fulfill a dream.  To accomplish a goal and see the vision manifest.

So be encouraged today my friends, don't give up because of a NO.  Don't give up because of a spouses attitude or their NO.  Don't give in because you weren't accepted this semester or the test score wasn't good enough.  Nope, don't give up and don't quit.  Simply jump up and rejoice - the vision is yet for an appointed time, thou it may tarry, ha ha  It will surely come to pass.  Expect the Great, share this blog with a friend, support the vision and pass it on.  Keep my friends in your prayers - Dr's say inoperable but you and me know it's God who has the final say. 

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