Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Greatness Requires No Days Off

As a coach, I encourage all who play for me that every day matters.  I encourage every player, do something every day to improve your game.  Because if you want to sit on the bench - just make the team, do nothing.  If you want to be just okay, or mediocre - work out only during the season.  If you desire to elevate your game to really good, work out a month or so before the season and maybe a month after the season.  But if you want to be "All World" don't take any days off - work out every day.  Work on your game daily.

The same applies to this life we live.  Work on your self every day.  Do something everyday towards what you may be trying to accomplish.  It may be personal growth, it may be a promotion on your job, it may be starting a business, getting married or working on your marriage.  Whatever you may be trying to do, have a mind to work, and do something everyday to work towards that goal.  Create measurements and assess your growth or decline weekly.  Then make the necessary changes.  In my marriage, I ask my wife periodically "am I loving you right?  What can I do to love you better?  What am I not doing that you would like me to do?"  This helps me and I hope her, in always pressing to take our marriage to another level.  It's a measurement - and it may not always give me the answers I want.  But it will always give me the answers I need.  So I do something everyday to meet the goal. 

I mean take Jesus as an example.  And yes I know, you are not Jesus and neither am I.  However, the Bible says that all the great works Jesus did could not be written in the Book.  For the world could not contain a book of all the things He did.  Wow, that means in the short period of time He walked this planet, He did something great everyday!  So much so that they could not document everything He did because they would of been writing all day everyday.  However, the Bible says Jesus was anointed by God and went about doing good.  You see doing great things is doing good things.  Positive, encouraging, supportive and hopeful things for others.  He came to this Earth to give life to others, that was His purpose and He met His purpose by doing something everyday.

So, no days off my friends.  Do something everyday to accomplish your goals and your dreams.  No matter how big, or how small - make up in your mind that today I will do something to "Make it Happen" cause remember - 2013 is my year and your year to "Blow Up."

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