Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time to "Ante Up"

Ante Up = Increase the risk or raise the stakes.  In the urban dictionary it is defined in a statement, "if you got game - ante up then."  Or always bring your best, your A game and nothing less. 

Now mix ante up with your faith, confidence, belief and trust in your vision.  Everyday you open your eyes and are thankful for a brand new day, your faith takes you to a place that believes that your goals are in reach so what you need to do is "ante up."  I took my girls team to a D-1 game yesterday to display to them the level of game they need to reach in order to "make it."  You have to get stronger, faster and more disciplined in your game. It's time to ANTE UP ladies.  They didn't get here by wishing, sitting on the couch eating bon bons, they went to work and some worked overtime.  No more distractions if this is what you want.  I have always been tremendously blessed to have parents, mentors, coaches and teachers in my life who have exposed me to things that I never even thought I could attain to.  They would ask, "now what's the difference between them and you?"  Then they would go on to explain that there was no difference, the same level of accomplishments these people had achieved, I could achieve.  I merely would need focus, determination and a work ethic that would bring it every single day.  They planted a seed in me that would flourish and grow and develop a never give up attitude and that there was nothing I couldn't accomplish.  High school, college, career, business, ministry, whatever it may be - I could not just achieve it but I could excel at it.  And I have been so blessed throughout my life and so thankful to the Lord for His favor in opening doors and making ways that I continue to push that envelope everyday in meeting the challenges and overcoming the obstacles that are in my path.  My dad used to call it, "having GRIT..."  I read my Bible and see the account of the Apostle Paul as he is beaten and stoned, dragged outside the city and left for dead.  The story is far from over, the disciples gathered around him, he rose up....and the part that pushes me and challenges me...he went back to the city.  Now that my friends is GRIT...personified.  Take Paul's example and never let there be a reason to wave the white flag or throw in the towel.  Get up, brush yourself off and go back to work.

Ante Up today, nothing less than your best.  Develop your game, whatever it may be.  It may be school, family, marriage, career, new business or taking your current business global, ministry...whatever it is - don't slack today.  Give it your attention, your effort, your passion - ante up!  No more wishing it would happen, make it happen.  Pastor Alvin says, "success leaves evidence"  Study and apply, work and achive - dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition, for them to come true you have to wake up and go to work

Expect the Great.

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