Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blocked Doors Don't Have to be Frustrating

You know some days and some mornings just don't always go the way we planned?  Ever have mornings like that?  Days like that?  Sometimes even weeks like that?  But I am learning everyday that just because a door may be blocked today, I don't have to be frustrated - angered or deterred from my goals.  It's another step in growth and maturity that teaches us to work thru our obstacles and get over the hurdles that block our paths.  Make it a point in your progress today to use delays and detours to your advantage, not to look at them as disadvantages.

In the Bible, a door was blocked for Sarah when her womb was closed up and she couldn't birth a baby.  Also a woman named Hannah, who eventually became the mother of Samuel, was unable to have children until God opened her blocked door.  We can read chapter after chapter and book after book and see how the heroes of the Bible dealt with blocked doors and frustrations.  Did they always lean into the right way - NO - but God always came thru for them, as He will for us.  You see His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts.  His plan is always the more excellent plan, His path the best path and He will accomplish His will in our lives.  So don't get frustrated with a blocked door, learn to step back and consider what, why and where may this be going.  David, Daniel, the disciples and even Jesus faced blocked doors.  You will too - but it doesn't have to keep you from rising to the top. 

This life holds some great challenges for us, families, jobs/businesses, marriages, health, incarceration, death and on and on.  We don't often plan for devastation do we?  We hardly even plan for emergencies!  Ouch, check your earthquake preparedness kit today - oops, don't have one.  Hmmm, ha ha.  Take the time to get prepared for the uncertanties of this life.  The Bible calls it being "rooted and grounded" and as Pastor Alvin used to say almost 20 years ago, "keep your surprise factor at 0" and you won't be surprised or shocked. 

Keep moving forward, keep your eyes on the prize, keep working towards your goals and objectives to bring your dreams into reality.  Your set back is only a set up - you my friend are on the "verge" of your victory.  Mine is closer every day...even as I write this blog, I see the rewards of diligence, commitment and determination.  Hard work always pays off, always.  Expect the Great my friends, be blessed.

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