Friday, March 29, 2013

Standing on the Verge of Blessing

What do you do when you find yourself standing on the verge of your blessing?  Many of us revert to our old habits and withdraw, while others of us leap forward with excitement and anticipation.  But what I have grown to realize is that drawing back is so much easier because you can do it in stages or you can do it gradually and it doesn't really look like or feel like you are withdrawing.  But with leaping forward - there is no gradual acceleration.  When you leap forward you are exposed, and who likes being exposed or vulnerable.  Not many of us.  When you leap forward, you open yourself up to criticism and possible failure.  And we think it's an all or nothing shot.  It's not at all - there is no shame in falling down.  There's no shame in failing.  We get back up, we re-tool or adjust and take another leap, and another and another and another.

The issue is wrapping your mind around the possibility that this could work, that I could actually do this, that someone would actually want what I provide, that someone would actually read what I write, listen to what I play or sing, watch what I video and so on.  The ability to sell yourself on YOU is often our biggest challenge.  I mean what do I have to offer, what can I do - it can get "scary" out there.  The safety net of ordinary is always right under us.  But remove the net, remove the thoughts of what we cannot do, remove the thoughts of how wrong this could go, remove the thoughts about what others are saying about us....Take that Leap of Faith, trust God and trust the vision that He has placed inside of you.  With God, there is no failure.

You wouldn't believe some of the ideas out there, some of the businesses that have been created or the books that have been written.  When you start researching these types of things you say - WOW, I never thought that would of worked.  Yea, millions didn't but one person did.  And guess what - IT DID WORK.  Your idea, dream and vision will too.  Take that Leap, you are on the Verge of your blessing.  As a Believer, whoever would of thought Victory would of came thru death.  That you can only really live when you die.  Now that sounds improbable, seems impossible - but it worked and because of His death, we can live

My friends, you have help - you have support and you have the encouragement you need to make it happen.  Continue to build that support group, that will surround you and hold you.  You can do it and I can do it.  Expect the Great - Take that Leap of Faith and work towards achieving your dream.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Living At A Level 10

So, this has been a very interesting and revealing week of training for the basketball team.  We have goals and dreams, but I am finding that we seldom have the drive and intensity required to meet those goals.  "I'm tired, I don't have my shoes, how long do we have to run, I can't do that, I have something to do tomorrow - I won't be at practice, my chest hurts..." and on and on and on.  So as I shake my head and ask for strength to handle this foolishness, I begin to see that my team is training at about a Level 5.  So, if you look at life thru the scale of 1 - 10, level 5 is about half - very mediocre.  I asked them again, "what is it you want to accomplish?"  Because something has to change - and the change only comes in 2 areas.  Either you up your effort - or you lower your goals.  Which one will it be?  Because this type of mediocre effort, won't accomplish those amazing goals.

So, I shift that thinking to our lives, to our goals.  How many of us are living at a Level 10?  Giving it our all every day.  Are we operating our marriages or relationships on a Level 10 or Level 5?  Are we operating in our jobs at a Level 10 or Level 5?  What about our family - what Level are we operating in?  Our goals, dreams and the vision for our life - Level 5, 8 or 10?  Do we wake up and recite our goals at a Level 10?  Do we wake up and go to work on fulfilling these dreams at a Level 10?  I mean, let me give you an example:  "uhhhh, good morning."  That's about a Level 3.  "Good morning honey, how you sleep?"  Up to about a Level 5.  "AHHHH, Good morning my love, lets get moving."  Hmmm, about a Level 8.  "YEAH, GOOD MORNING MY LOVE - WHAT A GREAT DAY, LETS GET THIS DAY STARTED..."   Level 10 - Achieved.  If you remember the movie, "Good Morning Vietnam" starring Robin Williams, you know what I'm talking about.  Bringing energy and intensity to everyone of your goals and injecting your dreams with excitement.  That's living at a Level 10.  We want to operate at Level 10 concerning our goals, exuding the confidence that is needed to achieve our dreams.  That's taking it to the Next Level. 

My goal today and every day, Live at a Level 10.  In every area of my life.  beginning with my marriage and family and then in my goals and vision.  To give my all, not shortchanging my wife or kids and definitely not shortchanging my goals.  This is a biblical principal that works, in Matthew chapter 7, Jesus says "and what measure you give, it will be measured back to you..."  What you put out, you get back.  So concerning your goals - if you want to just wing it everyday and make it up on the fly - then don't be surprised if you get "wing it" results.  If you put half an effort in achieving your dreams, giving it a Level 5 input, then don't be surprised if it takes longer to see the manifestation of your dreams.  Invest in yourself - you are your greatest investor.  If you don't give it your all, how do you expect others to pour into you. 

Try it today my friends, take it to Level 10 and see what the results are.  Take it to that level and watch things begin to shift and change.  Pour it into that dream, pour it into that vision at a Level 10 and watch....Blast-Off......Expect the Great. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Are Your Actions Consitent With Your Goals?

This questions requires what I call "self examination."  A question that will cause you to look in the mirror and ask the person looking back, "am I giving it my all?  Am I doing what I need to do each day to achieve my dream?  Are my actions consitent with my goals?"  Only you can answer that question.  No one looking from the outside in can.  They are your dreams, it's your vision, you set the goals!  You know what it takes to achieve them, you know what it takes to reach that mountaintop.

The great part of LIFE is that yesterday doesn't have to effect your today.  That my friends is what excites me and inspires me.  I start each day asking myself that question and on the days I answer "NO", I look at my goals and vision and the objectives I have set to reach them and then I go after them.  It's a great measuring stick for me and I think it will work for you as well.  I don't know what your goals are, or what your dreams may be, but I do know that it takes work - hard work.  Consistent effort and diligence (diligence means a continual & painstaking effort on your part).  In basketball jargon we call it, "grinding it out."  This is the time the team doesn't play the best, may not have their best mental mindset and my shooters may be off.  Or, the other team bought their A game and we didn't.  So in order to win the game, we have to grind it out.  Possession by possession - and for us dream chasers, thats day by day.  Grind it out my friends, it will always pay off in the end. 

I shared before, I hadn't taken a meaningful exam in I cannot remember how many years.  Now, here I was preparing for a law school exam known as the LSAT.  I read one LSAT prep book and couldn't talk for a day.  I'm serious, my wife was asking me stuff about the book, about other stuff and I couldn't even formulate a sentence after reading those logic games and stuff.  So, I knew - I was going to have to grind this one out.  I looked for help - $800-$1200 for prep courses.  I contacted LSAT tutors, $65-$85 per hour.  Went to online help - too confusing to muddle through on my own.  Books and CD's, yeah they helped some but I was still behind the 8 ball.  The test date was approaching quicker and quicker - the OLD mind said, "man, forget that test - you don't need law school anyways."  That's the way yesterdays guy would have gone.  But oh no, I put my seat belt on, took days at a time away from the house taking prep test and reading.  Any time alone in the house I had my books out and CD's playing - I was going to achieve this thing.  It was like a lesson I learned when I was growing Peacekeepers, I had once asked a real good salesman how often do I follow up a sales presentation when the prospect hadn't called me back.  He said follow up, follow up, follow up and follow up.  I said yea, but for how long?  His response changed my perspective on sales, "follow up until they buy or they die."  So I have a pit bull type attitude about many things, and this test was falling into that category. 

So check yourself daily, when you jump in your car or truck - don't you usually check your gas gauge?   I do, I even have a bright orange colored light that seems so bright it could burn a hole in something.  After checking your gauge, you immediately think about your destination right?  Then based on those 2 components, you either head to your destination or to a gas station.  Well my friends, it's the same with our goals and dreams.  We rise in the morning and we ask ourselves, were my actions yesterday consistent with my goals?  Based on that answer, we are off and running.  Be encouraged my friends, you have a support group to help assist you.  Support me, I will support you and lets support others.  Share this post with your friends, shoot those of you with Facebook help me out until I get me one of those Facebook pages (yes it's coming).  Forward the post, support the vision and lets all work together to help one another achieve the dreams.  Expect the Great - It's coming your way.  ARE YOU READY? 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Staying On Track is Easier Than Getting Back On Track

You know inactivity and time can be huge disadvantages to achieving your goals and seeing the manifestation of your vision.  Yesterday, was back to work regarding basketball at the high school for me.  Interest has been sporadic, but a few players "appeared" excited about getting back to work.  And I underline and place quotations around the word appear, because at times like us with our goals, we "appear" as if we want to achieve these great things - BUT - we easily fall off track.  Then getting back on track seems so difficult.  So as Chrystal and I wait patiently on the track for the players to arrive, we chat up the track team and the few multi sport players I have.  Well, one says, "hey coach I can't stay - I'm hungry, I need to go eat so I will be here Weds."  Another says, "I don't have my shoes, I have to go home and get them and I'll be back."  Another walks up slowly with her bag, "hey coach - well I'm here."  Another whose Mother said she had dropped her off, she off in the cut chasing after her flesh - not here at the track.

So, shaking my head I say to myself, "self, people say they want to achieve all sorts of things - but who really wants to do the work?"  Self answered - "very few."  True that, true that!  You see dreams only come true when you wake up and go to work. 

So, with Chrystal and my All League point guard the only 2 at training, we dig in.  My point guard envisions not just an All League year, but she has aspirations on being the league MVP and she has her sights set on Notre Dame as her college of choice.  So, we start out with a nice mile run - looks okay, times a little slow on the quarter but hey it's day 1 right.  Finish that, lets knock out 5 sets of stadium stairs.  This is where the inactivity begins to show.  You see, we can have dreams, it's wonderful to set goals - but I have always said you must do something to work towards them everyday.  There are NO days off.  And when you are chasing your greatness, there's no time for picking wild flowers.  Because sooner than later, your inactivity will begin to show.  Your lack of preperation, no study time or research for your area, no comparison calling, no urgency in training or practicing and on and on - whatever your area may be.  It will show. 

So I begin to encourage, "7 months out, MVP year, Notre Dame..." and on and on.  But I can tell, at this moment it's a "pipe dream" not a GOAL.  Cause you haven't been working towards it, you haven't been working out, you have lost your focus.  STAYING ON TRACK IS EASIER THAN GETTING BACK ON TRACK. 

If you have fallen off track my friends, take a step back.  Get your goals back out, read over them - shoot, post them on the mirror in the bathroom, on the fridge, in your car.  Keep them before your eyes.  Regain your focus and regain your motivation.  You see TIME can be either an ally or a huge enemy of achieving our goals.  Some of our goals are short term but many are long term.  Many we want to achieve by years end.  One of my wife's goals is right around the corner (April 6).  So time can be for us or it can be against us.  It's not TIME's fault - ha, ha, it's ours.  You see, take my hip rehab for example.  I have to work out my hip exercises every day or I become super tight and stiff.  Well I'm highly motivated to recover anyways (yes I actually ran yesterday for the first time and felt great - even demonstrated a dribling drill with no pain - HALLELUJAH) so I'm rarely stiff.  But when I fail to do my exercise, stiffness reminds me - it's not like that with our goals and vision.  Time slips by, a few days - a week, several months until we resign the fact that we will reach them and put them off for next year.  You have to remind You....What did I do today?  What did I accomplish today?  What can I do more effectively tomorrow?  What do I need to change to be more efficient?  Who can I call?  Where can I go?  You are your greatest reminder - come on get it done.

Stay on track my friends, you'll find it so much easier than trying to get back on track.  Expect the Great.  Share the vision with a friend, support one another and keep the Finish Line in sight.  You can do it, it can be done. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Will You Let Me PUSH You?

Will I let you push me?  What kind of question is that?  You see taken out of the moment or out of context, it sounds rather radical.  Taken outside of the parameters in which it was asked, you would think - uhhh, no thanks, keep your hands to yourself.  But when you realize this is a "physical trainer" talking to a client - it all makes sense.  "Will you let me push you?"  Yes, I replied, I came here for your help and expertize.

WOW!  That is one of the initial conversations I had with my physical therapist after my hip replacement surgery.  There was some time after my surgery until the appt. for my PT, so I had found some exercises online and was doing quite the work-outs at home.  I mean I felt I was getting stronger, I felt I was improving and I even had the thought of why waste my time with PT.  I can get this done at home. I don't need PT or any outside help.   HOW WRONG WAS I.

The therapist had to gain my permission to help me!  I had to agree to cooperate in order to help myself.  I'm going somewhere, just stay with me.  I had to not only make my appt's., I had to keep them.  I had to arrive with the right attitude, be open to new or different exercises, give my whole effort (just being there won't help), and follow the therapist instructions.  Understanding this and giving her (I call her Ulga-ha, ha - she's a bruiser) permission to PUSH me has accelerated my healing, strenght and overall well being.  Yes, it brings sweat, discomfort and sometimes pain - yet it builds me.  I had to realize, she knows more than me about PT

Wait a minute, if I learned that lesson in PT - what about taking that lesson to my dreams?  To my vision and to my goals?  What if I found a "trainer" to push me to excel in the goals of my life.  To team up with someone who won't let me "just show up" but will PUSH me to squeeze every bit of greatness out of me that I have.  What if I got a "trainer" to assist me with achieving my goals and reaching my objectives?  Hmmm, how could I have missed this?  It's easy, because we don't like to be vulnerable with people we do not really know.  We have trust issues!!!!!  Hello, and it's hard to receive help when we don't trust.  You know I coach Varsity basketball, I tell all my players, you will only be successful if you let me coach you.  I need you to trust me, trust that I want the best for you, trust that I will be your greatest fan, trust that I want nothing but success for you.  Trust me and your future is limitless.  My biggest hurdle, getting them to trust me.  And in dealing with our vision, we are protective of it, defensive and uncertain about others intentions regarding it.  So, we often miss the advantage of being coached or PUSHED by a trainer. 

I encourage you today as I encourage myself, reach higher and stretch further.  Take the time, effort and energy to find yourself a "trainer."  Someone who can PUSH you, encourage you and show you how to do it in the manner or way that's more efficient and more productive.  Pastor Alvin said, "Success leaves clues..." My friends find a successful Coach/Trainer, someone who has been there before and get the help to take your dreams to the Next Level.  It may be a spouse, a friend, a co-worker.  Or it may be a professional sales coach, a Pastoral mentor, or a studio engineer.  You may attend a conference, a seminar or a retreat.  Or it may be one-on-one over weekly lunches.  Whomever it may be, take the time to search out help and then receive it.  Lets support one another's dreams and visions - be a cheerleader.  I was at Church yesterday and heard a preacher use my line, "I'm Blowing Up" he exclaimed.  Chrystal immediately looked at me, I was already looking at her - and we knew.  THE COUNTDOWN HAD BEGUN.  Prepare for launching - 10, 9, 8.....Come on friends - it's TAKE OFF time.  Expect the Great.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Did You Know That Looks Matter

I know you read the title and gasped!  Are you kidding me?  Seriously?  Yes, I'm serious.  You have heard the phrase, "dress for success" right?  Of course you have, why?  Because the way we look is often connected to how we feel.  When you're down and ill or just feeling blue - you take very little time to get dressed, brush or comb your hair and take the simpleist of personal hygiene tips.  Then when you get that unexpected guest, they say, "whoa!  look at you, are you feeling ok?"  Why, because the way we look often tells the story of how we feel.  How do you feel when someone says, "You look a hot mess."  You feel a hot mess right?  Jesus teaches the disciples in Matthew chapter 6, "when you fast don't assume the gloomy looks as the hypocrites do, they disfigure their faces in order that it may be evident that they are fasting..."  Yikes, evident, disfigure their faces, so others can see how miserable they are...  Yeah, LOOKS MATTER.  In the 2nd chapter of the book of James the Bible says, "we show special attention to the one wearing fine clothes but we ignore the one not dressed well..."  Now it may not be right, but it surely happens - people deal with you on your appearance.

How does this relate to your vision?  How does this help to accomplish goals?  Does our appearance really matter?  My friends I cannot emphasize enough that it does.  Whether it's business, your career, your marriage it really matters.  Some folks call it "SWAG."  Now I'm not that hip anymore but from how folks use that term it means "how you represent yourself" or "a type of style."  In my day it was a movie called, "How Stella Got Her Groove Back."  You see how we look and dress often generates or motivates.  When I'm all about business, I don't put my sweats and t-shirt on, I wear slacks, button up and perhaps even a suit jacket.  When I go places, I'm ready to conduct business.  Pass out cards, chat people up and try to land accounts.  The sweats and T's are for the gym, not the board room.  But I look in the mirror and when I look like a Million Bucks, I feel like a Million Bucks.  So what I'm expressing to you is that when you get up in the morning and you set your daily goals - make it a point to get yourself hooked up.  I'm about business today, you could be at the store, the bank, the gas station and BAM - an opportunity arises.  Oh man, I'm not dressed for this.  ha ha   yes I've said that too.  You want to run home and change and HOPE the opportunity is still there.  NO man, take care of that before you leave the house.  When I was selling accounts, I would get up and "suited", wash my car and pop in a mint just in case today was the day.  3-4 times a week I would get suited and booted, hit the pavement and no matter how many NO's I got, it didn't effect how I looked.  I was as fresh at 5 pm as I was at 9 am. 

So whatever you may be focused on today, next week or next month.  Set several days aside to "Dress to Impress" and then get to work.  I'm telling you - IT WORKS.  When you look it, you will feel it.  When you look important, you feel important.  When you look good, you feel good.  And one of the biggest things we can have when pursuing goals is CONFIDENCE.  Exuding confidence, people see it, feel it and read it.  Successful people like doing business with confident people.  Not those with their heads down, eyes wandering all over....Standing tall, shoulders back, chest poked out and chin up.  When you look it, you feel it, when you feel it - you act it.  Get you some SWAG (LOL) or get your GROOVE back.  Look at that person in the mirror and tell him or her, "I got this, I can do this, I am smart, I am strong enough, I can teach this, I can preach that, I can impress."

Keep reaching higher my friends, Expect the Great...Be confident, be assured and stand tall regarding your dreams...It's your VISION - trust it & believe it and WORK IT my friends...WORK THAT THING......

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Don't Let a NO Stop You

Over the past 30 years of setting and fulfilling my goals I have heard thousands of NO's along the way.  Whether it was joining the police dept - Oakland said NO.  I moved on, joined another dept and then finished my career at a 2nd.  Starting my business, one entire year of NO's before I landed my first account.  Launching a ministry, people laughed and encouraged my failure, but I pressed on and prevailed.  Even in coaching - some of the harshest criticism I have ever taken has been from parents over a game.  Every avenue, every turn - NO's are waiting for you and they wait for me.  Doors not only close in your face - they SLAM!  Don't let a NO stop you from fulfilling your goal and accomplishing your dreams.  I met a gentleman early in my business career who gave me a great piece of advice, "don't look for supporters, ask people why it won't work, why it won't sell."  Yikes!  Ask people to critique me?  Yes he said, not only do people see holes in projects you don't, but it will prepare you to be "tough skinned" and able to receive constructive criticism.  That's the key, constructive - those who are helping, not hindering.  Be careful who you allow to critique you, or your projects or ideas.  That's MAJOR.

So take a moment to look at where you are on the path you have laid out for your goals.  Are you moving forward?  Are you stalemated?  Are you just treading water?  What's stopped you?  Don't let it be a NO, don't let it be a negative comment or a bad experience.  These are simply par for the course.  Don't think you are going to climb the mountain called achievement or success without falling down or scraping your knees.  Steve Harvey was homeless at 40 before making it onto TV.  Now you cannot change the channel without seeing him.  Tyler Perry, same story - couch surfing with friends before his 1st play sold out.  If success was easy, everyone would be successful.  So don't get distracted, don't get frustrated or discouraged.  Keep your focus, stay to your course, take the blows and keep fighting.

Take time today to celebrate your vision, I mean a moment to actually stand up and take a twirl, dance a little, jump and rejoice in the vision God has planted inside of you.  Get excited about your goals, re-ignite the passion in your project, business, ministry or marriage.  Don't allow the fuse to just fizzle or burn out.  Nope, today is a day of celebration.  During the "heyday" of my business when I had millions in gross revenue, nearly 200 employees and more patrol cars than the local PD's, I noticed one thing that was major.  Even though I had 2 p/t sales people - I always led in sales.  Even though I was on the golf course or on vacation, I always led the way in sales.  WHY?  Easy - I had more passion  for the business than anyone I could hire.  They worked for money, a check, a commission.  Nope, I worked to fulfill a dream.  To accomplish a goal and see the vision manifest.

So be encouraged today my friends, don't give up because of a NO.  Don't give up because of a spouses attitude or their NO.  Don't give in because you weren't accepted this semester or the test score wasn't good enough.  Nope, don't give up and don't quit.  Simply jump up and rejoice - the vision is yet for an appointed time, thou it may tarry, ha ha  It will surely come to pass.  Expect the Great, share this blog with a friend, support the vision and pass it on.  Keep my friends in your prayers - Dr's say inoperable but you and me know it's God who has the final say. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Change What Could of Been to Look What I've Done

Change "What could of Been" to "Look what I've Done."  Whether its age, sickness or other situations and circumstances that arise - so many things can keep us from accomplishing our dreams and goals.  Then there we are sitting in our Lazy-Boy recliners or laying on the couch, or worse, saying "I wish I would of."  Well we really need to consider changing what could of been into look what I have done. 

We wait for circumstances to be perfect, we wait for our money to be right, we wait until we retire, we wait until the time is right.....well you will find yourself waiting and waiting and time passing you by and then you will look up and you haven't accomplished that dream or fulfilled that vision.  Yes, I know you may have done some things, a few things and even fulfilled A dream.  But there's more.  There's so much more LIFE left.  I know the feeling at times - I look back and have fulfilled so many dreams in my life, I have accomplished so many of the things I desired to do.  But I got time left.  God has blessed with another day and I want to maximize this day and make the most out of it.  If I have another week, another month, another year - then I got more to do.  My dreams get bigger, my vision expands and my goals increase.  So today, I need to stay focused and driven.  To me it looks far off - but then I always think about my passenger side door mirror.  Yeah, the passenger side mirror on my car says, "images in mirror are closer than they appear."  And I remind myself, "Blessings are closer than they appear."  Deuteronomy 28:2 says, "ALL these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you obey the Lord your God..."  All = means the whole, as much as possible.  God says He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings you don't even have room to receive.  WHOA!!!!!!!!  ALL, THE WHOLE, NO ROOM, yes that's what I'm fighting for, what I'm aiming for, what I'm focused on....The Lord came that we may have LIFE and that more abundantly.

So forget age, forget health, forget money, forget the situations and circumstances that act as hurdles in my life.  I will run faster, jump higher, and lift more to fulfill the vision and accomplish the goal.  All the excuses you can fathom - the excuses you can devise, all the excuses that help you rationalize why you are stuck where you are.  START today, yesterday is gone, last week is gone, last year - yup it's gone.  Start today.  If you haven't written down your goals - do it today.  If you haven't written your playbook - start today.  If you haven't set your timelines - start today.  Get up, get out and get moving forward towards the GOAL line.  Isn't it interesting in football, the endzone (touchdown) is called the GOAL line.  When you put the ball and the runner or receiver in the endzone, crossing the GOAL line - TOUCHDOWN!!!!!  And who doesn't dance when they cross the GOAL line. 

Change those what could of been into look what I've done moments.  Get motivated and get moving, no dream is too big, nor any dream too small.  Expect the Great my friends, your next in line for a miracle.....Please keep my friends Terry Groce & John Souza in your daily prayers.  They need it today and each day.  Support the vision...submit your e-mail and pass these blogs on. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Energy Vampires

Staying focused, committed and determined takes energy, effort and a great playbook.  Pre-planning, goal setting and an environment of motivated/positive people.  But when you are climbing that ladder, trust me - you become a target and people love to throw mud.  As you begin to seperate yourself from the pack of mediocrity you will begin to face not only Dream Killers, but you will face Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires are negative people who are like human black holes.  They will suck the life, vision and dreams out of you.  We all know people like this and God forbid, we are people like this.  Energy vampires will demean you and attack you.  Make you feel like you are always on guard and need to defend and protect yourself.  They will cause your energy to fizzle.  How do you recognize these type of people so you can protect your vision and yourself?  One thing you will notice is that they are always talking about how bad things are or are always complaining.  1 Corinthians 15:33 says "bad company corrupts good habits."  This means that if you surround yourself with these types of folks, be prepared...your focus will blur, your goals will be demeaned and eventually diminish and you may even become depressed.  In Proverbs 1, Solomon says, "let the wise hear and increase in learning and one who understands obtain guidance." 

You see when you write your vision, you have to protect your vision.  Energy vampires will make you feel it's you and not them.  You have the problem, who do you think you are?  Why do you think you can do what so many others have failed at?  Don't you know that sounds silly?  You just seem foolish doing that.  But you have to remember, their negative comments and attitudes are not a reflection of who you are!  Hello, surround yourself, wrap yourself up in the comfort and love of God to protect your dream and your vision.  And remember, "O.I.Y.L.I."  Whats that mean?  It's an acronymn - Only If You Let It.  That means their comments and attitudes can only affect you and hurt you if you let them.  One thing I have learned in coaching young people, I see more not even try to step up or step out based on what others say or might say.  Here we are doing drills and a player makes a mistake.  Other members of the team begin to laugh and snicker.  More times than not I will notice the player wil stop pushing themselves to get better and do the drill more carefully so to not make a mistake and be pointed out.  Now the skills don't improve, they diminish - based soley on what others say, think and do. 

And we can do the same thing with our dreams - even Dr. Phil says if you want to be a WINNER you must have a defined image.  Now beyond Dr. Phil, what does God say, "that you are fearfully and wonderfully made."  A child of the King - forget what others say, what does God say.  He says you are smarter, He says you are stronger, He says you are a Conqueror, and He says you can do whatever you think, dream or envision you can do.  Protect your inlets, your senses:  ears, eyes, heart and head.....Filter the foolishness and the madness thru the filter of God's Holy Word. 

Be prepared my friends, they are out there and they lay in wait for you to share your dreams and ideas only to take them like the Egyptian soldiers took the male Hebrew children.  Dream Killers, Energy Vampires, Black Holes...When you want to Play Big, surround yourself with those who speak life into you, who pour into you, who encourage you and look for opportunities to support you.  It's one thing to write your goals and plan using your playbook, it's another to be on the right team.  Can you imagine a great QB like Tom Brady giving his playbook to the opposing team?  No, he shares that and his favorite plays with his greatest supporters.  His best receivers, his coaches and mentors and his lineman who protect him and his vision.  They block those who are trying to do Tom harm or "sack him".  Even if a defense person gets in, they will risk a hold and get a penalty rather than let Tom get hit.  Do you have people around you like that?  Who will take a penalty before they let you take a sack?  Look around, check your circle and it may be time to rearrange your offensive line.  Time to trade, waive or cut a few "posers" who act like they blocking but really they are letting the defense right by.

Expect the Great my friends...stand by for video links of great messages and nuggets.  Share this blog with others, support the vision and stay focused....Truly God is greater.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Doing Nothing - Way Too Easy

What a lesson we learned this weekend.  Being a family that is goal oriented, driven and committed to getting things done, very seldom do we just enjoy a "day off" in any area of our lives.  WELL, we did yesterday and you talk about conviction....Yeah, we had what we called FREE DAY and went to the buffet for lunch/dinner.  What a mistake that was, and a tremendous learning experience. 

The buffet caters to your desire to show no restraint and help yourself to whatever your heart desires.  Steak, prime rib, ham, shrimp, chicken, pot roast, name it.  Chocalate waterfall, cakes, cookies, pies, cobblers, ice cream and on and on and on.  And it's limitless.  An ivitation to "Just Do It" and guess what?  WE DID IT.......

As I finished "another" plate and Chrystal enjoyed her dessert and Cayman was piling on cheesy bread after cheesy bread, I looked around and it was if my eyes were opened so wide.  Proverbs 29:18, a former memory verse for me came alive in my soul.  "Where there is no vision, the people cast of restraint."  What it said to me was when you lose your focus or set your goals aside, you will just go with the flow.  You won't fight impulse, you won't resist temptation, boundaries become blurred.  Without keeping your vision directly in front of you, in clear view at all times - you will allow yourself too many FREE days.  And the consequence of too many free days makes it easy to do nothing.  I started to talk about it, Chrystal said, "thanks for convicting me" as she pushed her carrot cake and ice cream aside.  I said hey not just you - me too.  Lets get out of here.  ha ha ha  we pushed those plates aside and waddled out of the buffet and struggled to get into our truck as we looked back and saw the line wrapped around the front of the place.  We drove off saying, "never again - we won't be back here."  Why, because doing nothing is way too easy

We made it home, exhaled and plopped down on the couch.  After an hour or so we convinced ourselves to get the bikes out and off for a 10 mile bike ride.  We didn't burn all the calories we had put on, but we burned some.  Better to do something than to do nothing.  It retrained our focus, put our goals back in perspective and got us moving forward to accomplish what we planned. 

In pursuing your goals, fulfilling your vision we learned you have to be so careful about "doing nothing."  It doesn't work for us, we do something everyday to work towards accomplishment.  And in what we thought was a reward for us, became a detriment to us.  Self sabbotage - double agents, defeating our attempts to accomplish our goals.  Doing nothing can run you right into a rut, doing nothing can blur your boundaries - setting you back a day, a week, a month or a year.  Next thing you know - years have gone by and that goal seems like a mountain to climb.  Do something every day, feeling it or not - work on your vision, fulfilling your goals - no need for days off or free days.  Keep yourself fired up and encouraged that this too will be accomplished.  Reach Higher, Stretch Further, Expect the Great.  Because the alternative "doing nothing is way to easy."

Friday, March 15, 2013

Success Knows No Boundaries

Why is it so much easier to convince ourselves that we cannot succeed than convincing ourselves we can?  That when sharing our dreams and visions within our circles we find skepticism, negative reinforcement and get tons of advice on why we can't have it all.  I shared before, when telling a real close friend of my intent to resume my education and get my Law degree, he responded, "man you should be planning for retirement - not trying to be no lawyer."  Wow, thanks for the encouragement bruh.  ha ha ha   But I'm so glad I filter that madness out.  I have learned to love HATERS, they motivate me.  Their comments, their looks of disdain and their sit back and wait for me to fail attitudes.  But I have learned in this life, "Success Knows No Boundaries."

Anyone ever heard of Colonel Sanders?  Founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken - of course you have.  Well my friends, he was 65 years old when he found KFC.  A little more well known, a man named Ray Kroc.  A milkshake machine salesman until age 52 when he bought one hamburger stand and then founded McDonald's.  Yea, success knows no boundaries.  You ever eat a Famous Amos cookie?  41 years old when he founded Famous Amos and if you read or watch TV, you have to of heard of "Little House on the Prairie."  Laura Ingalls was 65 when she wrote the now famous series.  You may limit yourself based on what you perceive as your limitations or worse, what others perceive as your limitations.  But I'm teaching my players, "the only limitations you have are those you place on yourself."  No Limits my friends, if you can dream it, thru work and determination, you can achieve it.

So, you try and you fall down.  What now?  Get back up, dust yourself off and try again.  Success knows no boundaries.  Walt Disney filed for bankruptcy and recovered.  William Ford, yes, bankruptcy and recovered.  Hershey, him too - but recovered.  You see, don't let a set back or failure keep you from pursuing your dreams.  When I was learning how to ride a bike and later learned how to be a "stunt" bike rider (well before X-Games), I fell off that bike hundreds of times and still have the scars to prove it.  Knees, elbows, fingers, toes, shins - war wounds incurred trying to become the best stunt bike performer around.  You may get some scars, you may shed some tears, hurt feelings and bruised egos - my friends, dust yourself off and get back in pursuit. Many find a passion, but few follow through.

Success Knows No Boundaries - don't limit yourself and don't put a ceiling on your potential.  Set your goals, develop & define your plan and then pursue it.  Do something everyday towards achieving it.  Support yourself, support others, pour into them as they pour into you.  If you enjoy this blog, support it.  Click on submit and enter your e-mail.  Share it with your friends to encourage them.  Lets continue to build a community of support and encouragement.  Expect the Great.....Be Blessed.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blocked Doors Don't Have to be Frustrating

You know some days and some mornings just don't always go the way we planned?  Ever have mornings like that?  Days like that?  Sometimes even weeks like that?  But I am learning everyday that just because a door may be blocked today, I don't have to be frustrated - angered or deterred from my goals.  It's another step in growth and maturity that teaches us to work thru our obstacles and get over the hurdles that block our paths.  Make it a point in your progress today to use delays and detours to your advantage, not to look at them as disadvantages.

In the Bible, a door was blocked for Sarah when her womb was closed up and she couldn't birth a baby.  Also a woman named Hannah, who eventually became the mother of Samuel, was unable to have children until God opened her blocked door.  We can read chapter after chapter and book after book and see how the heroes of the Bible dealt with blocked doors and frustrations.  Did they always lean into the right way - NO - but God always came thru for them, as He will for us.  You see His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts.  His plan is always the more excellent plan, His path the best path and He will accomplish His will in our lives.  So don't get frustrated with a blocked door, learn to step back and consider what, why and where may this be going.  David, Daniel, the disciples and even Jesus faced blocked doors.  You will too - but it doesn't have to keep you from rising to the top. 

This life holds some great challenges for us, families, jobs/businesses, marriages, health, incarceration, death and on and on.  We don't often plan for devastation do we?  We hardly even plan for emergencies!  Ouch, check your earthquake preparedness kit today - oops, don't have one.  Hmmm, ha ha.  Take the time to get prepared for the uncertanties of this life.  The Bible calls it being "rooted and grounded" and as Pastor Alvin used to say almost 20 years ago, "keep your surprise factor at 0" and you won't be surprised or shocked. 

Keep moving forward, keep your eyes on the prize, keep working towards your goals and objectives to bring your dreams into reality.  Your set back is only a set up - you my friend are on the "verge" of your victory.  Mine is closer every day...even as I write this blog, I see the rewards of diligence, commitment and determination.  Hard work always pays off, always.  Expect the Great my friends, be blessed.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Living In Expectancy

Acts 3:5 "so the man gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them..."

Living in Expectancy means that if I'm doing the work, putting in the effort, determined to meet my goals and fulfill my vision I'm living each day, everyday expecting the manifestation or fulfillment of my efforts. 

Look in the mirror today and ask yourself - "am I expecting today?"  I mean think of a pregnant woman, an expectant mother.  Does she wait until the birth to prepare her home for the coming home of the baby?  Does she wait until the birth to buy clothes, bottles, bibs and beds?  Does she wait till the Dr. slaps the baby's bottom to believe she is having a baby?  NO!  Of course not.  The majority of women start planning as soon as the "rabbit dies."  As soon as that pregnancy is confirmed - they start preparing for the birth, some 7-9 months in the future.  Wow, they change their lifestyle, begin planning for the baby's future, painting rooms and on and on.

Well, think of it the same.  We have planned our goals - written our visions - prepared our plans.  Now, are we expecting?  Do we approach everyday with expectancy and anticipation.  If so, wonderful.  If not, we need to change our perspective, change the channel in our minds and our thoughts. 

Expect success today....Expect the Great

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We're Going Places

Wow, truly this life is what you make it.  I always end the year by putting my next year goals in writing and then working everyday towards those goals.  This has been a positive objective for me for years and I have had success in several areas of my life following this plan.  This year is no different, several goals - personal, business and spiritual.  My first ever blog was "Blowing Up" and I am so ready for blast off.  Well, the time has arrived - Yeah, "We're Going Places" yall......hallelujah.

That feeling you receive when your dreams and vision becomes reality is indescribable, I mean just too extraordinary to even describe.  Well 2013 has been a season of tremendous blessing, favor and accomplishment.  Just a glimpse:  my book project has been on the shelf and off the shelf for 4+ years, well now it's professionally edited and off for publishing.  Health-yeah, hip surgery has left me pain free, walking upright w/o aids and I just walked 4 miles Saturday without a twinge of pain.  Living in Ruins will be filmed and uploaded by month's end.  I mean God has just allowed this season to be tremendous.  Oh a little more, Chrystal ran a half marathon - just preperation for April's full marathon.  A tremendous personal goal accomplished.  Then yesterday she taught her first professional rescuer/CPR/First Aid class under the auspices of her own company.  A milestone, a day the Isrealites would memorialize with some sort of altar or inscription to remember the day.  One by one, goals are being accomplished and dreams are becoming reality.  And all across this country, my friends are emailing me and texting me about their accomplishments.  Yeah my friends, we going places.  Shoot, why not us?  You think TD Jakes started with 30,000 people?  Nope, little known church in W. VA.  Joel Osteen was a videographer at his father's church, had never even preached before.  The founder of Nissan, yea fired by Toyota.  I mean ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  I don't know what "your thing" may be, but open your eyes, get to work and accomplish it.  The only limitations you have are those you place on yourself.

Desire, supported by faith can accomplish tremendous feats.  I speak to so many people every day who have dreams and visions, yet they lie dormant - no life in them.  You just like me, have all that it takes to do great things.  In the NBA they call it BIG things.  Yes, we can do BIG things.  Pack your bags my friends, cause "we going places" yall.

Expect the Great.....

Monday, March 11, 2013


I opened my eyes this morning, still groggy and tired from a long and exhausting weekend.  Lifted up my hands and quietly whispered "thank you Lord for a brand new day."  It's Monday, a new day and a new week.  Plenty of work to do, goals to accomplish and task to fulfill.  But as I laid there, I begin to think, "What If?"  What if today it all came together?  What if today the final pieces fell into place, I mean what if?  What if today the doors flung open, the floodgates opened wide.  What if today became that day, the day I had been praying for, the day I had been working towards, the day favor flows like a mighty river.  What if?  Would I be ready?

I opened my Bible and the pages fell to the 60th Psalms where David writes, "Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies."  Yea, what if today is that day, that long awaited for day.  That long anticipated day - the day I call "Blast Off"  WHAT IF?  God is our source, our supply, our link or connection to every bit of success we desire to achieve.  He is focus, He is determination, He is passion and desire all wrapped into a magnificent, loving and kind God who desires us to be marvelously blessed.  Yes, only through God shall we do valiantly. 

No longer groggy or tired but infused with hope that none of my work or efforts have been in vain.  "We will" do valiantly.  That's a promise, an assurance that as long as we remain plugged in to the power supply, we will get it done.  Psalms 1 says, "he shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, he shall bring forth fruit in his season and his leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper."  Wow, scripture began to flow thru my head, mixed with vision, ideas and dreams - Psalms 23, "The Lord is my Shephard, I shall not want...You prepare a table before me....You anoint my head and my cup runs over...surely goodness & mercy will follow me all the days of my life..."  Word just kept flowing and I was so encouraged that no task that lay before me was too daunting for me to accomplish.  The lyrics from Jason Castro's song, "This Is Only a Mountain" began to rise up in me..."This is only a mountain, you don't have to find your way around it - tell it to move and it'll move, tell it to fall it'll fall..."  Oh wow, yeah I'm excited about today - I have work to do.

Trust & belief, passion & desire work towards our advantage in nearly everything we do - but never ever forget that it's thru God that we will do valiantly.  Get excited about your goals, your vision and trust that no matter the obstacle or the hurdle - God will enable you to accomplish it.  Whoever thought David could kill Goliath.  I mean there were stronger soldiers there, there were smarter soldiers there, there were better trained and equipped soldiers there...Who thought it - David thought it and asked, "what shall be done for the man who slays this giant?"  Ha ha What if my friends, what if today is your day to slay a giant?  What if today is your day to slay that monster you been battling all these years?  What if?  Are you ready?  I am, for who shall defy the Name of the Living God.

Expect the Great.......Support the vision, submit and suscribe today.  Spread the word and encourage others today by simply forwarding this blog to your friends...Lets support & encourage each other, I mean WHAT IF ?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time to "Ante Up"

Ante Up = Increase the risk or raise the stakes.  In the urban dictionary it is defined in a statement, "if you got game - ante up then."  Or always bring your best, your A game and nothing less. 

Now mix ante up with your faith, confidence, belief and trust in your vision.  Everyday you open your eyes and are thankful for a brand new day, your faith takes you to a place that believes that your goals are in reach so what you need to do is "ante up."  I took my girls team to a D-1 game yesterday to display to them the level of game they need to reach in order to "make it."  You have to get stronger, faster and more disciplined in your game. It's time to ANTE UP ladies.  They didn't get here by wishing, sitting on the couch eating bon bons, they went to work and some worked overtime.  No more distractions if this is what you want.  I have always been tremendously blessed to have parents, mentors, coaches and teachers in my life who have exposed me to things that I never even thought I could attain to.  They would ask, "now what's the difference between them and you?"  Then they would go on to explain that there was no difference, the same level of accomplishments these people had achieved, I could achieve.  I merely would need focus, determination and a work ethic that would bring it every single day.  They planted a seed in me that would flourish and grow and develop a never give up attitude and that there was nothing I couldn't accomplish.  High school, college, career, business, ministry, whatever it may be - I could not just achieve it but I could excel at it.  And I have been so blessed throughout my life and so thankful to the Lord for His favor in opening doors and making ways that I continue to push that envelope everyday in meeting the challenges and overcoming the obstacles that are in my path.  My dad used to call it, "having GRIT..."  I read my Bible and see the account of the Apostle Paul as he is beaten and stoned, dragged outside the city and left for dead.  The story is far from over, the disciples gathered around him, he rose up....and the part that pushes me and challenges me...he went back to the city.  Now that my friends is GRIT...personified.  Take Paul's example and never let there be a reason to wave the white flag or throw in the towel.  Get up, brush yourself off and go back to work.

Ante Up today, nothing less than your best.  Develop your game, whatever it may be.  It may be school, family, marriage, career, new business or taking your current business global, ministry...whatever it is - don't slack today.  Give it your attention, your effort, your passion - ante up!  No more wishing it would happen, make it happen.  Pastor Alvin says, "success leaves evidence"  Study and apply, work and achive - dreams are not born of indifference, laziness or lack of ambition, for them to come true you have to wake up and go to work

Expect the Great.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ready or Not - The Day is Here

Amazing day already and I am thoroughly inspired to do even greater things today!  I have learned, whether in business, in coaching or in ministry - "failing to plan is planning to fail."  Well the day has arrived - ready or not.  What I mean is that today is the day my wife was running a half marathon, yeah 13.1 miles - ready or not the day is here.  She has set a goal and was doing all she could to achieve it.  It arrived quicker than she wanted.  Prior to my hip replacement surgery, we were going to do it together.  We work out great together - pushing each other to maximum effort in one exercise or another.  But, she's solo today.  Pushing herself, encouraging herself to meet the rigorous demands of a half marathon.  Now I say "ready or not" because during her training she became ill and it set her back.  Once she recovered from that, she had to take a week long trip and attend to some family business, another set back in her training.  I mean she has business responibilities, family obligations and a household to attend to.  We had a huge team outing today that I desired her to attend, she could of used that as an excuse. More excuses to not be prepared to run.  I mean she could of cancelled today, she could of said, I'm not running, I just haven't been able to put in the training I wanted.  And neither I or anyone in our circle would of thought any less of her.  We would of encouraged her to meet the next challenge.  I mean I understand, I definitely do not like to perform in areas I am not prepared for.  BUT, instead of finding excuses not to run, she found reasons to run.  You go girl.  My inspiration, pushing me to go harder today than I had planned.  We always use the motto in coaching "Go Hard or Go Home."  Well she's going hard today, and she will finish what she started, she will cross that finish line with a great sense of accomplishment and a family there cheering her on. 

Whether it's your job, your business, your marriage, your family, your team or your game - the day may of arrived and you may feel you are not prepared and you cannot perform.  But you must encourage yourself and not give in and certainly don't give up.  In a book I have read over and over and over again entitled, "Who Switched Off My Brain" by Dr. Caroline Leaf expresses, "what we think changes the wiring of our brains and influences new thoughts, and our words and actions."  Can you believe that your subconcious mind processes 20 million environmental stimuli per second and performs 400 billion actions per second.  This means that healthy, life giving thoughts will lead to healing words and loving actions.  The same holds true for toxic thoughts and emotions.  The Bible is chock full of examples and parables that encourage us to prepare for every area of this life.  Even for the life that is to come.  The Apostle Paul says to the Church, "forgetting those things that are behind, I press forward to the high call..."  So my wife says, forget about what I couldn't do, forget about the training I didn't complete, forget about all that - I'm going to press towards the goal.  I'm going to focus on that Finish Line.  That's focus, that's determination, that's the attitude I blog about.  That's what causes us to "Blow Up."

So my friends, whatever today may bring your way - obstacles, hurdles and challenges - encourage yourself that you can't be stopped, you can't be blocked.  Keep the Finish Line in sight.  Your goals and plans will be achieved. 

If I just added you to my blog, support my vision as I support yours.  I follow my niece now in VA., I follow Pastor Alvin in NY and I will follow and support you.  We are a community built to encourage and support one another.  Simply click on suscribe/submit, add your e-mail and you will get my daily blog which is a part of my vision that supports the release of my book, the release of the Living in Ruins series and work book, the release of Defeating Discouragement.  Forward it to encourage others in your circle and encourage them to forward it to their friends.  This my friends is Blowing Up in 2013 - grab hold and enjoy the ride.  Expect the Great...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Who Stuck a Pin In My Balloon

Whoa, today was the day when you have to remember, "don't sweat the small stuff, and guess what, it's all small stuff."  Challenging morning, set backs and hurdles that have tried to deflate my vision and take the air out of my sails.  Like sailing in the America's Cup Challenge and your sails going limp, can you imagine racing in NASCAR and running out of gas - yup that's what the challenges of this morning delivered for me.  Oh, but then I had to laugh it off, it's all small stuff I told myself.  Focus, stay determined and stay the course.  I mean who stays in a movie theater when the focus goes all blurry and they don't fix it.  Who sits at a sporting event when someone huge sits in front of you and you can't see.  No one I know, you leave because it effects the pleasure you are trying to get from the movie, the event, the play or whatever it may be.

So when the events of the day happened, I cast down those negative thoughts, effectively leaving them in the dust.  Giggled to myself and went about my vision - having effectively regained my focus.  Asked myself, what's my purpose?  What's my goal?  What am I trying to achieve?  Those 3 questions re-focused me and re-energized me.  No way was I staying in that place surrounded by negative thoughts and energy.  Nope, don't sweat the small stuff AND remember it's all small stuff.  Keep the goal in mind, remember the valleys I have come thru, the mountains I have climbed in the past.  I mean the obstacles that cluttered my path in the past seem like small speed bumps now.  So, this madness of today - doesn't even register on the "richter scale" of problems.  Not making a mountain out of an ant hill.  Ha ha ha....nope I got more urgent matters to handle.

Perspective is the ability to "change the channel" in your mind.  Keep the Big Picture perspective when you are facing trouble and trial.  Most of us have been thru much worse and we came out, maybe like those 3 Hebrew boys came out of the furnace.  Didn't even smell like smoke, they weren't burned, charred or even a bit smoldering.  They trusted that God would make a way, even when it seemed there was no way.  See, don't sweat it.  Do what you need to do to accomplish the goal.  Stay focused, don't waste precious time and energy dealing with peripheal matters.  They are just distractions and I'm focused and on point.

So, I popped my collar, brushed my shoulders off and marched forward like the best of Generals like Patton and MacArthur.  I got a game plan to carry out, family to provide for and protect, a wife to love and encourage, kids to support and push, no time for small talk.  The "countdown" has begun - 10-9-8-7......yea prepare for Blast Off cause I dont know about you - but time to BLOW UP in 2013.  Expect the Great my friends....what a wonderful day, don't waste it - enjoy it!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

It Doesn't have to Just be a Dream

You know sometimes we can really convince ourselves that it really is just a dream.  I mean really, a great marriage or finding a spouse, a great job or starting a business, fulfilling that goal of a degree or a brand new career, travelling abroad or whatever it may be.  A dream is defined as:  a visionary creation of the imagination. 

Sometimes the only limitations that we have are those we place on ourselves.  I'm too old for that, I'm too young for that, I'm too skinny or too heavy, I'm this or I'm that.  I mean it really is a heavy load, have I bitten off more than I can chew?  Whatever you tell yourself that determines your self image can limit you in fulfilling your dreams.  I mean I saw on TV the other day a 101 year old marathon runner.  I saw a 90 year old woman graduating from college.  There are No Limits my friends, only the ones we place on ourselves.  I was sharing my life long dream of becoming an attorney with a close friend of mine, telling him I had taken my LSAT and how difficult it was.  Thinking he would be encouraging, he replied, "man what the "h*&%" are you doing, it's time to consider retirement, not going back to college!"  I considered what he said, for about 5 seconds and then I dismissed his comments.  No, my dreams will not just be unfulfilled visionary creations of my imagination.  Nope, they will be goals - attainable goals, for me to achieve, regardless of age or the challenges of life I may face.  Don't let anyone be a "dream killer" in your life.  Dismiss that foolishness and press forward.  Some peoples only position in your life is that of a dream killer.  They desire you just "conform" to how everyone else has done it.  Get a job!  What, building my dreams is my job.  I mean I have been blessed to fulfill several dreams in my life that people "hated" on me about and I won't stop now.  Yeah, I could of made the law degree decision while on the Police dept. like a few friends of mine.  But I was caught up in other stuff.  Yup I certainly could of fulfilled that dream when I was blessed to open and operate my own business.  Nope, too busy making millions for that dream.  Shoot, I could of even fulfilled that dream while the biz was operating on "cruise control."  Nope, too busy playing golf 2-3 times a week.  BUT, ha ha - I made up my mind now.  This season of my life to fulfill a dream I have had from the time I was in my early 20's.  And no one can talk me out of it by telling me I'm outta my mind for doing at this late stage of my life. 

Make up your mind today, I'm not stopping.  Bigger, better, stronger, wiser every day.  This life is truly what you make it.  And we should all "Expect the Great" in our lives.  Don't limit yourself based on what you don't have or what you think you can't do or what the HATERs say.  Get motivated, I love HATERs, I'm thankful for HATERs.  Take it to the Next Level and make up in your mind - I'm Blowing Up in 2013, ain't no stopping me now.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Greatness Requires No Days Off

As a coach, I encourage all who play for me that every day matters.  I encourage every player, do something every day to improve your game.  Because if you want to sit on the bench - just make the team, do nothing.  If you want to be just okay, or mediocre - work out only during the season.  If you desire to elevate your game to really good, work out a month or so before the season and maybe a month after the season.  But if you want to be "All World" don't take any days off - work out every day.  Work on your game daily.

The same applies to this life we live.  Work on your self every day.  Do something everyday towards what you may be trying to accomplish.  It may be personal growth, it may be a promotion on your job, it may be starting a business, getting married or working on your marriage.  Whatever you may be trying to do, have a mind to work, and do something everyday to work towards that goal.  Create measurements and assess your growth or decline weekly.  Then make the necessary changes.  In my marriage, I ask my wife periodically "am I loving you right?  What can I do to love you better?  What am I not doing that you would like me to do?"  This helps me and I hope her, in always pressing to take our marriage to another level.  It's a measurement - and it may not always give me the answers I want.  But it will always give me the answers I need.  So I do something everyday to meet the goal. 

I mean take Jesus as an example.  And yes I know, you are not Jesus and neither am I.  However, the Bible says that all the great works Jesus did could not be written in the Book.  For the world could not contain a book of all the things He did.  Wow, that means in the short period of time He walked this planet, He did something great everyday!  So much so that they could not document everything He did because they would of been writing all day everyday.  However, the Bible says Jesus was anointed by God and went about doing good.  You see doing great things is doing good things.  Positive, encouraging, supportive and hopeful things for others.  He came to this Earth to give life to others, that was His purpose and He met His purpose by doing something everyday.

So, no days off my friends.  Do something everyday to accomplish your goals and your dreams.  No matter how big, or how small - make up in your mind that today I will do something to "Make it Happen" cause remember - 2013 is my year and your year to "Blow Up."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bouncing Back Even Higher

Resiliency, is generally defined as the ability to overcome challenges of all types.  Trauma, personal tragedy and plain ole life's problems.  And trust me, when you are determined to "Blow Up" in 2013 you will face set-backs.  But you have to learn how to fail forward and bounce back up.  Get up, dust yourself off, take a look at what just happened and learn from it.  Get back in the ring, back on course and full steam ahead. 

When I was a kid, my parents bought my brothers and I a few of the Popeye blow up punching type bags that stood about 4' high.  They were weighted on the bottom, so when you hit, kicked or even tackled that Popeye thing it would simply pop right back up and there stood Popeye with that smile on his face and pipe in his mouth.....That dang thing taught me so many life lessons.  I would knock that Popeye down and lay on it, but I could not outlast old Popeye.  Once I got up, he would pop back up with that smile on his face and that pipe in his mouth.  Popeye taught me, no matter what type of abuse this life may hand out, no matter how many times you may fall down or fail.  It doesn't matter, bounce back up, keep smiling and get back on track. 

I play alot of sports, all kind of sports.  And I find it fascinating that there is a difference between a tennis ball and all other types of balls.  Footballs, basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls - they are all filled with air.  Able to be pumped up.  BUT a tennis ball, is a hollow core - pressurized and filled with gas.  This is what causes a tennis ball to "bounce back" after being crushed, hit or slammed.  And like in life, we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed.  Struck down but not destroyed and like that tennis ball when we are crushed, hit and slammed by the trauma's of life, we "bounce back" 

So don't look at the obstacles you face, the challenges that lay before you or the scrapes on your knees from falling down.  Fail forward my friends, learn that lesson and use it to bounce back even higher.  Always remember, your set back is only a set-up for even greater success.  Expect the Great.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Defeating Disappointments

Wow, a new day.  A fresh start and I'm excited about "Blowing Up" seeing pieces of the puzzle come together and what I need to accomplish today to make it happen.  BUT then, I turned on the news before getting the kids up for school.  The President was on talking about the devastating effects of the budget sequester and how all the orphans and widows were going to be on the street.  My excitement for the day started to diminish.  Weren't we just headed off the "Fiscal Cliff" last month and the "Debt Ceiling" a month before that?  Oh man, my mind started running to thoughts of disappointments.  The news turned to a husband and wife on their way to the delivery room and killed by a hit and run driver.  The thoughts kept mounting, then a sink hole in Florida that swallowed a man as he slept.  Dang, I mean life is challenging and what makes me think I can do what so many others either can't or have tried and failed?  Look at the state of things, I mean this life is rough. 

These are the types of world wide challenges that we face every day.  Then there are the situations and circumstances in our own lives that seem to be mounting every day.  We look at these disappointments and they can really affect our attitudes and our focus, deterring us from the course we set out on.  I mean I went from waking up with excitement and looking forward to fulfilling a few goals to make it happen.  But when I allowed my mind to be disappointed and meditate on the disappointments of life, I lost some steam.  Our minds are so powerful, they can either drive us or convince us to lay down and give up.  The thoughts that we allow into this precious space will determine if we "Blow Up" or "Give Up."  I shook these thoughts from my head, ugh, I can't watch this, let me catch up on the games last night.  Turned quickly to Sports Center where Magic Johnson, the Hall of Fame basketball player from the Showtime LA Lakers was on talking about offering LeBron James a MILLION dollars to get in the Slam Dunk contest.  Whoa, I sat up straight.  A MILLION dollars to slam dunk a ball.  Well, there was more.  One of the other host said, "wow Magic that's a lot of money, a million dollars?"  Magic fired back, "well Bill I got a few million, I will be alright."  The light bulb came on in my head.  The country may be going thru this political foolishness, families all across the country may be dealing with some horrific challenges, BUT, this doesn't stop others from "Blowing Up" and it won't stop me from Blowing Up.  In the Bible story about Samson and Delilah, Delilah ask Samson, what will you do when your enemies finally catch you Samson?  Samson boldly and confidently replied, "I will shake myself loose."  Well I will shake myself and determine in my mind, in my actions and in my words that no challenge is too great, no hurdle too high and no disappointment too great to keep me from going up.

I may not be 6'9" like Magic or LeBron, I may not be able to dunk a basketball or throw touchdown passses, shoot I can't even entertain or act like a movie star.  But I know there is greatness in me, in some form or fashion, greatness and success will always rise to the top.  Defeat the disappointments by focusing straight ahead - looking to the FINISH line, not at the crowd.  Expect the Great again today. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Time to Blow Up

It's been a tremendously long weekend, full of challenges and obstacles but I'm focused this month, shoot I'm focused this year and a few hurdles in my path can't stop me from "Blowing Up."  I use my spirituality and my relationship with God as my motivation to keep me pushing the envelope.  The Bible says, if God is for me, who can dare stand against me."  So I stand on this promise from God.  A promise, yes, a promise and what is a promise.  It's a declaration assuring something is going to happen.  So I have a promise from God that I'm going to "Blow Up" this year.  Yeah, I hear you...Ha ha ha a promise from God.  Now if you think that's hilarious, lets look at an example that will bring it home for you.  One I hope you can understand and see that God's promises are better than any man or woman's promise.

You know any woman whose been engaged before?  I do, shoot I've been on the offering end of some of those engagements.  But, check this out.  Once the sister receives that ring, accepts the promise from that brother to marry her, that sister's entire attitude and demeanor changes.  When she is out in the mall or at the grocery store, even in the bank and some cat tries to step to her.....Uh, without even saying a word, she simply flashes that ring finger - and that speaks for itself.  I'm taken!  Now she isn't married yet.  The date could even be a year or so away, but she is not even open to a conversation with any man.  She isn't yet married, but she "acts" like she is married.  She doesn't date anymore, she refuses to go to places or events that may open her up or expose to a bunch of mess and she doesn't give her phone number out to guys.  WHY?  Because she has a promise.  So then you understand when a month or two before the wedding, the brother says he has changed his mind and he no longer desires to be married or that he has met someone else that the sister......ha ha ha   Yeah the sister does what the sister does......

Well, they weren't married yet.  They were only engaged, but she had a promise from this man and she held that promise as truth.  She acted on the promise, reacted on the promise, presented herself based on the promise, planned on the promise, changed her lifestyle based on the promise.  Now if we can do all of that based on a promise from people, who can lie, deceive and disappoint us - why can't we react this way to God's promises.  Because "it's impossible for God to lie."  I encourage you today - find God's promises concerning you and then trust Him.  Believe Him and begin to live your life on those promises.  This year, yup - "I'm Blowing Up" how do I know this cause I trust God and He promised me.  Expect the Great.