Friday, March 29, 2013

Standing on the Verge of Blessing

What do you do when you find yourself standing on the verge of your blessing?  Many of us revert to our old habits and withdraw, while others of us leap forward with excitement and anticipation.  But what I have grown to realize is that drawing back is so much easier because you can do it in stages or you can do it gradually and it doesn't really look like or feel like you are withdrawing.  But with leaping forward - there is no gradual acceleration.  When you leap forward you are exposed, and who likes being exposed or vulnerable.  Not many of us.  When you leap forward, you open yourself up to criticism and possible failure.  And we think it's an all or nothing shot.  It's not at all - there is no shame in falling down.  There's no shame in failing.  We get back up, we re-tool or adjust and take another leap, and another and another and another.

The issue is wrapping your mind around the possibility that this could work, that I could actually do this, that someone would actually want what I provide, that someone would actually read what I write, listen to what I play or sing, watch what I video and so on.  The ability to sell yourself on YOU is often our biggest challenge.  I mean what do I have to offer, what can I do - it can get "scary" out there.  The safety net of ordinary is always right under us.  But remove the net, remove the thoughts of what we cannot do, remove the thoughts of how wrong this could go, remove the thoughts about what others are saying about us....Take that Leap of Faith, trust God and trust the vision that He has placed inside of you.  With God, there is no failure.

You wouldn't believe some of the ideas out there, some of the businesses that have been created or the books that have been written.  When you start researching these types of things you say - WOW, I never thought that would of worked.  Yea, millions didn't but one person did.  And guess what - IT DID WORK.  Your idea, dream and vision will too.  Take that Leap, you are on the Verge of your blessing.  As a Believer, whoever would of thought Victory would of came thru death.  That you can only really live when you die.  Now that sounds improbable, seems impossible - but it worked and because of His death, we can live

My friends, you have help - you have support and you have the encouragement you need to make it happen.  Continue to build that support group, that will surround you and hold you.  You can do it and I can do it.  Expect the Great - Take that Leap of Faith and work towards achieving your dream.

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