Friday, April 5, 2013

Watch out for the Jet Stream

WOW - anyone remember the movie "Top Gun" which starred Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards as Maverick & Goose.  Also had a young Val Kilmer in it who was "The Iceman."  That is one of my alltime favorite movies, but there is a part in there where Maverick gets his fighter plane caught up in Iceman's "jet stream" and the tragic death of his best friend Goose.  Well a jet stream occurs when the flow of exhaust gasses from a jet are so strong that they can deter even another fighter plane from it's course of direction.  Well in the end Maverick recovers, overcomes his fear and anxiety and even shoots down a bunch of enemy migs to become the hero.  Yeah Maverick.

Well I told those of you who check out the blog that "I Was Blowing Up" this year of 2013 and it was take off time and God had his finger on the BLAST OFF button of my life.  Well praise be to God, just a reminder - "watch out for the jet stream."  I've blasted off and climbing to cruising altitude right now.  Ha, ha this life is great when God is in charge and in control.  We have said it as a cliche for years, even preaches well - Let Go & Let God......Well when you get it and it finally clicks - hold on and "watch out for the jet stream."

First project is done and off to print - watch Amazon, my website, facebook and a place near you for the dynamic release of "CHAMPION - You May Get Knocked Down, but Never Knocked Out".  You Tube channel is next, audio version after that and then on to the next 2 big projects.  Yeah, watch that jet stream because it's climbing time - and we are headed to even higher altitudes.

I don't know what your dream or vision may be, but as I stand on the edge of a very significant birthday, it's never ever too late to try.  Again, again and again.  I won't ever quit, I won't ever give up or give in.  God didn't quit on me and I won't quit on Him.  Make up in your mind - I'm going to do this, I'm going to make this thing happen.  Work each day with passion, urgency and hunger towards your goal, towards your dream - fulfill the vision.  In the 70's there was a group called "McFadden & Whitehead" and they dropped a track entitled "Ain't No Stoppin Us Now" and the lyrics said "cause we on the move."  Glory, get on the move my friends.  Stop procrastinating, stop looking back and look forward.  You have everything you need - EXPECT THE GREAT.

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