Saturday, April 20, 2013

Subtle Changes Can Make a Tremendous Difference

Committment, dedication, perseverance and resolve - I mean we hear these words all the time.  Many of us repeat them over and over to our children, our family members, our teammates/classmates or friends.  We want them to always strive for more, to be greater, to never settle for mediocrity.  BUT, how many of us really consider the depth of these words?  How many of us truly understand that one subtle change, a day of practice when you don't feel like it, another rehearsal even after you think you've nailed it, a change in thinking or doing, eliminating one - just one bad habit, can make a tremendous difference.

In Michael Johnson's book about his record setting 1996 Olympics he describes running the fastest 200 meters ever!  19.32 seconds, beating his own world record, actually smashing his own world record.  Ten years removed from high school, MJ, stuns the Olympic & track world by running what many have described as the perfect race.  But in researching MJ's track career, 10 years earlier as a high school senior, he ran the same race in 21.00 seconds.  As he says, good for high school but well short of world class.  10 years of dedication, committment and perseverance earned him a little more than 1.5 seconds.  10 years of work, 1.5 seconds, and a world best.  I mean 1.5 seconds in 10 years - never missing a work out, never taking a day off, never "mailing it in."  1.5 seconds faster!  Do you hear that - 10 years of work - subtle changes and a tireless work ethic earned him 1.5 seconds and a world record.

Now I'm not a world class athlete and you may not be either, but I am so trying to reach my full potential in each area of my life.  I want to be a world class husband, a world class father, a best selling author, a marvelous friend and a Godly pastor.  So, like Michael Johnson, I have to be tireless in my pursuit of the perfect race.  I have to train every day, rain or shine, I have to love w/o reservation and study to show myself approved.  I have to be friendly when others are rude, kind when others are mean and pray when I'm weary and tired.  These disciplines, changes and a relentless resolve may shave 1.5 seconds of my time.  My committment to stay focused just may be the difference in being real good or great.  My ability to bounce back from defeat, may be the difference between selling 100 copies and 100,000 copies of my book. 

What changes can you implement today?  What disciplines can you commit to?  What setbacks have you experienced that have held you back from pursuing your goals and dreams?  Well take a lesson from MJ, decide to commit and it may just enhance your time 1.5 seconds and move you from one of the best in track & field to a world record holder and the only man on the planet to win gold in the 400 meters and 200 meters in the same Olympics.  That attitude may propel you to an entirely different level, it may be the piece you need that puts you over the top.  Don't settle for mediocre, don't ever settle to be simply alright or to do an ok job.  Don't ever settle to be an ok husband or wife, just a parent who is home but not engaged, or a professional that just shows up.  Be "OVER THE TOP" with it.  Push yourself everyday to do your best, give your best and be your best. 

Expect the Great my friends.  I am.......

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