Monday, April 29, 2013

The Voice of Truth

Amazing and hilarious - I woke up sometime around 3 AM laughing hysterically, I mean it was myself laughing that woke me up.  I looked over at my wife as she slept, nope, she didn't hear it - only me!  I shook my head, chuckled and drifted back to sleep.  I don't know if this has ever happened to you before, but I couldn't recall having this happen to me.  So I was both amazed and amused.

The mind is so powerful, so amazing - both the concious and the subconcious mind.  The mind processes over 32 billion thoughts per second (thats billion with a B) subconciously, things we will never even act upon because the concious mind filters them out (thank God).  A computer crafted by God with the ability to perform tasks unimaginable to most of us. 

Yet, it is that same mind that speaks thoughts of life and thoughts of death into our days, weeks, months and years.  Proverbs 23:7 says, "as a man is he.."  It is the thought pattern that controls most of our lives, the things we do and the things we don't do.  The things we enjoy and the things we cannot stand.  It's a thought, formulated in the recesses of our mind that gives us anxiety, fear and doubt.  However, it is that same mind that produces thoughts of faith, courage and boldness.  Those thoughts have "voices."  I mean faith and fear, what seperates them?  Faith believes the best will happen without seeing it, Fear believes the worst will happen without seeing it.  What seperates them is THE VOICE.

Many of us have experienced, "who said that?" moments.  When the voice is so loud inside your head that you think someone standing next to you spoke directly into your ear.  But there is no one there.  Just you and your thoughts, and thoughts have voices.  Those voices speak so loud depending on our experiences, what we have been meditating on, what worries us and what motivates us.  The voice of doubt, distrust and fear often times is louder than the voice of faith and trust and confidence.  For many of us, that voice speaks loudest and that's the voice we follow.  I can't do this!  Who am I to try this?  I mean this can't work.  I'm not smart enough to pull this off.  I don't have the talent for that.  I'm too fat, too skinny, too black, too white, too tall or too short.  I mean be for real, who do I think I am.  I'm a trainwreck waiting to happen.  I can't say that - I can't do that.  That kind of stuff is for those type of people and I'm not one of those people.  You get what I mean - many of us know those voices well.

But today, I have made up my mind to listen to "The Voice of Truth."  Casting Crowns sings a tremendous song with this are the opening lyrics,

 "Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves

To step out of my comfort zone
To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. 'Boy, you'll never win!'
"You'll never win"

But the voice of truth tells me a different story, and the voice of truth says do not be afraid, the voice of truth says this is for my glory... and out of all the voices that call out my name I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth.

My friends, "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" begin to speak faith to yourself.  Begin to speak faith to your situations and circumstances that have paralyzed you with fear & anxiety.  Speak faith and you will begin to notice those other voices shrinking, getting quieter and the Voice of Truth getting louder and louder.  Oh certainly, the voices of doubt and fear will try and shout here and there, but the more you speak faith to yourself the louder that voice gets and drowns out those other voices.  Speak out loud, read your bible out loud, read your positive affirmations out loud.  It may seem strange at first, but it will become part of your faith walk soon enough.  Shoot, I have found myself speaking to my wallet, my pockets and my checkbook....ha ha ha.  No joke - I will declare I will never be broke again - never.  I speak that daily and I speak it out loud.  I speak the Word of the Lord over my kids, my wife, my home, my endeavors and my life and I speak them LOUD.  In the 70's we would yell - "Im Black and I'm Proud and I'll say it our LOUD."  Because we had an identity crisis going on.  So we began to speak it...and we began to take pride in ourselves and not be ashamed, walking around with our heads down and feeling less than a person.  It's the same thing - quench that voice of anxiety, fear and doubt.  Speak faith, try it today....Louder, come on,, no LOUDER.....there you go.  I will choose to listen AND believe the Voice of Truth.

Expect the Great my friends, you know I love ya.  Share this blog with your family or with a friend.  Forward it to them.  And leave me a comment, let me know your thoughts.

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