Monday, July 1, 2013

Strategy Verse Action

It seems like months since I have even had the time to attempt to write a blog post, let alone actually sit down and write one.  And that is exactly where this blog was conceived.  Let me ask you, what's more important, and please take the time to respond and forward to your circle for their response as well, "strategy" or "action."  Strategy is your plan of action, the course you are carefully plotting out.  I mean the Bible says wage "wise" war with advice from many counselors.  Yet, you can sit around and plan and strategize forever - which many people do, and never make any meaningful moves. 

I remember one time when my Dad was visiting me in CA and my hot water heater went out.  I had never changed a hot water heater before, but as an industrious kind of guy, I figured I could do it, plus my Dad was here.  And that man could fix anything.  So, off to Home Depot we go, purchase a new hot water heater and bring it home.  As I'm reading the instructions, my Dad is opening the box, calling for tools to disconnect the old one and just ranting "give me this and give me that."  It was a matter of time before I was really irritated and said, "can I just read the installation instructions?"  Just as irritated he responded, "you been reading them for 30 minutes, lets get this thing installed today!"  Yikes, man - this my house.  Well, that's what I wanted to say - ha, ha, ha.  I wouldn't of dared to say that to my Dad, not even as a grown man.  But I was stuck in the "strategy" mode, planning and thinking, thinking and planning, while my Dad was in the "action" mode. 

So, what do you think?  What's more important - "strategy" or "action?"  Can you go back and re-plan?  Can you stop where you at, or from the place you have momentum and re-tool your strategy?  What about action?  I mean can you jump into something critical and then stop and re-do?  Or do you get a do-over when you blow it big? 

You can't always be perfect in your planning or your action.  However, to me "action" seems more important to me.  Taking action, demonstrating faith and stepping out into the unknown trusting that you can get it done.  True, both are important, but action is "doing something."  There are some things you can fix or tweak on the fly, or while making moves.  You are not able to plan out every contingency, every obstacle or every hindrance that you may face or encounter.  However, your action may allow you to work past obstacles or work thru them.

Well, what do you think?  Strategy or Action.  Be blessed my friends, share this blog with your circle and I look forward to the responses......

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