Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Risk Takers Are Game Changers

You just can't win when you always "play to not lose."  As a coach, I always encourage my players - try a new move, work on something you haven't done before.  Practice is great, repetition key, in developing and improving your game.  Yet, it's under game situations and extreme duress when you are bold enough to execute a new move in the heat of battle.  These calculated risk build confidence and assurance - and you never know, until you try it

Well, in this game called life, we must get off the bench and into the game.  Once inserted, we must be urgent, intense and play with energy and passion.  This life is full of lessons, setbacks, failures, obstacles and challenges.  Yet, it is full of wins, victories and opportunities to overcome extreme hardships.  However, I find it more common to run across people who are not engaged, lifeless and have no sense of urgency in the things they undertake.  It seems as if mediocrity or middle of the road status is good enough for them.  Well, if I don't try I can't fail, is one statement someone made to me.  Yeah, and if you don't shoot you can't score either.  All I know is there is a 50/50 chance the ball goes in - and that's what I'm banking on.  Here are a few tips to help you get in the game:
1). Find your gift - this is the thing you enjoy the most, even something that you do well with minimal effort.  That thing people always compliment you on.  It may be a hobby now, or something you just do to relax or for fun. Prayer has always done it for me, it may work for you as well. 
2). Do some research - start to research people who do what you would like to do.  Read some reviews, some blog post or make an in person visit to see the action live.  When I desired to start coaching, I read every book I could find on coaching.  I talked to coaches, went to lots of games and watched a lot of video. 
3). Get to work - volunteer or intern doing what you enjoy doing.  It may begin as a few days a week or on weekends.  You may ask friends or family if you can cook or bake for them.  Start getting in your repititions.
4).  Engage the counsel of others - share what you are doing with a confidant or close friend.  It's not the time to share with just everyone or anyone, but that person whose opinion you trust.  Share your thoughts and feelings, use them as a sounding board and listen to their response. 
It's your time, the time is now - time to Make It Happen.  Off the bench and into the game.  Take that leap of faith, it may seem risky, it may even seem a little scary - ha, ha, ha, that means you are right where you need to be.  JUMP on out there, enjoy the thrill, the ride, the victory - and if a loss or two come your way - enjoy those as well.   Get back up, dust yourself off, take note of the cause and implement change.  Then JUMP on out there again.
Be encouraged my friends, you do have what it takes to WIN.  If this post helped you, share it with a friend or a family member.  I'm really finding out that our words matter, and you never know how much the things you say and do can change and impact the lives of others.  Expect the Great.  Give me some feedback, post a comment and let me know your thoughts.  Shoot, I took a risk - you can too. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

This Joy I Have....How About You

"Leaping for Joy" in the days and times of the past week or so seems unimaginable to many.  I mean we have trials going on around the world that puts friends & families at odds, wild fires that have taken the lives of 19 brave firefighters, military coups and wars, airplane crashes and more...How in the world, in the midst of all these world events, let alone our own personal crisis, how do we keep the thought of leaping for joy at the forefront of our thoughts?

Well, as believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul instructs us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God concerning you."  In my research of the original language, the adverb actually came first, which would cause the scripture to read, "Always rejoice..."  Paul teaches us through scripture to rejoice when things are great, good, not so good and really, really bad.  Wow, you may be saying, "well that was Paul and he's not dealing with what I'm dealing with."  Yet in the 4th chapter of the book of Philippians Paul says, "rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice."  Pressing his point that no event, situation or circumstance should supplant your praise and adoration for God.  Oh, and should I fail to mention Paul was in prison, not just any prison but, awaiting the death penalty.  He still goes on to say, "hey, I may be in prison, I may be facing the death penalty - but I've learned to be content."  Yikes, he wants us to not only rejoice, praise, worship and be grateful, but he wants us to be content.  YES, my friends, absolutely.

This life will, at times, push us to the limit.  That is why we need God, His Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus Christ in our lives.  We cannot take the challenges, obstacles, events that erupt in our lives without notification.  I'm not saying it's easy, and I'm not saying that I always succeed in this area, but I'm pressing towards that mark.  I'm connecting with others who are living that area of scripture out and learning everyday how to leap, shout and rejoice no matter what.  Lets support and encourage one another as we grow in this life of the Lord - not criticize but support and encourage to do better.

Be blessed my friends - Expect the Great!  Share this blog with your friends and family, we never know how your words and actions can change someone's life...

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Ability To Bounce Back

Wow, we had a great 4th of July celebration with new family & new friends.  Just great food, lots of fun and interesting fellowship.  One of the things I love about these kinds of gatherings is the stimulating conversation and the myriad of topics that arise. 

One of the basics is always, "so tell me, what do you do?"  As a family of entrepreneurs, it always spikes the conversation.  My wife launched her business in January of this year and I have been in business over 16 years, employing hundreds of employees and enduring the challenges of business.   So, the follow up question is generally, "so what is it that you think is the number 1 thing small business owners can do or need?"

I have learned over the years to never get to high over the wins and never get to low over the losses.  I call that "Resiliency."  The ability to bounce back when things take a downward spike, a client terminates your services, you under bid an account, or have to handle an extreme employee incident that threatens your very existence.  Resiliency is the ability to overcome challenges and bounce back wiser, stronger and more personally powerful.  You have both external coping mechanisms and internal ones.  Through your desire to intentionally grow yourself, you are strengthening your internal coping mechanisms and by reaching out through collaboration, conferences, seminars you are making connections that can be quite useful and beneficial during the life of your business.  Without the ability to cope with the many challenges that will, not might but will, come your way - business will be more of a headache, stress, worry, anxiety and gray or no hair. 

Over my years of business, I have seen a lot, not everything, but almost!  I have been injured at work, had employees injured at work, had employees commit serious offenses while on duty, had clients skip out on thousands of dollars of invoices and have even had top administrators embezzle thousands of dollars.  That my friends is a lot of "bouncing back", a lot of resolve and a lot of reaching out to people near and far for input on handling these types of situations.  I could share page after page of the challenges - but regardless of the challenges, it's your desire, passion and commitment to your vision.  I mean, a lot of people can decide to do something, only a handful actually do.  You may of heard the riddle, "4 boys sitting on a log by the lake during a hot summer afternoon.  3 of the boys decided they were going to jump in the lake.  So, how many boys remain on the log?  The usual answer is 1, because 3 jumped in.  You would be wrong...the answer is 4, because deciding to do something is different from actually doing something!"

Being self employed has been one of the greatest thrills of my life, one of the greatest challenges in my life but by far, one of the greatest accomplishments in my life.  Building something from nothing, amazing and inspiring. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Strategy Verse Action

It seems like months since I have even had the time to attempt to write a blog post, let alone actually sit down and write one.  And that is exactly where this blog was conceived.  Let me ask you, what's more important, and please take the time to respond and forward to your circle for their response as well, "strategy" or "action."  Strategy is your plan of action, the course you are carefully plotting out.  I mean the Bible says wage "wise" war with advice from many counselors.  Yet, you can sit around and plan and strategize forever - which many people do, and never make any meaningful moves. 

I remember one time when my Dad was visiting me in CA and my hot water heater went out.  I had never changed a hot water heater before, but as an industrious kind of guy, I figured I could do it, plus my Dad was here.  And that man could fix anything.  So, off to Home Depot we go, purchase a new hot water heater and bring it home.  As I'm reading the instructions, my Dad is opening the box, calling for tools to disconnect the old one and just ranting "give me this and give me that."  It was a matter of time before I was really irritated and said, "can I just read the installation instructions?"  Just as irritated he responded, "you been reading them for 30 minutes, lets get this thing installed today!"  Yikes, man - this my house.  Well, that's what I wanted to say - ha, ha, ha.  I wouldn't of dared to say that to my Dad, not even as a grown man.  But I was stuck in the "strategy" mode, planning and thinking, thinking and planning, while my Dad was in the "action" mode. 

So, what do you think?  What's more important - "strategy" or "action?"  Can you go back and re-plan?  Can you stop where you at, or from the place you have momentum and re-tool your strategy?  What about action?  I mean can you jump into something critical and then stop and re-do?  Or do you get a do-over when you blow it big? 

You can't always be perfect in your planning or your action.  However, to me "action" seems more important to me.  Taking action, demonstrating faith and stepping out into the unknown trusting that you can get it done.  True, both are important, but action is "doing something."  There are some things you can fix or tweak on the fly, or while making moves.  You are not able to plan out every contingency, every obstacle or every hindrance that you may face or encounter.  However, your action may allow you to work past obstacles or work thru them.

Well, what do you think?  Strategy or Action.  Be blessed my friends, share this blog with your circle and I look forward to the responses......